Peter Rabbit. The Peter Rabbit Club

Peter Rabbit. The Peter Rabbit Club
Издательство: Ladybird, 2017 г.
Серия: Read it Yourself
Выпускающий редактор: Бутык Ефрем Артемьевич
Дизайн: Базекин Исак Антонович
Оформитель: Захарьян Глеб Чеславович
Количество страниц: 247
Формат: pdf, txt, fb2

Описание "Peter Rabbit. The Peter Rabbit Club"
Peter and his friends decide to form the Peter Rabbit Club! Who do the rabbits meet on the club's first adventure?
For over thirty-five years, the best-selling Read it yourself with Ladybird has helped children learn to read.
All titles feature essential key words. Story-specific words are repeated to practise throughout.
Designed to be read independently at home or used in a guided reading session at school.
All titles include comprehension questions or puzzles, guidance notes and book band information for schools.
This Level 2 title is ideal for children who have received some initial reading instruction and can read short, simple sentences with help. Книга онлайн Peter Rabbit. The Peter Rabbit Club.

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